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Thursday, September 8, 2011

one of those days

Today was one of those days and it had absolutely nothing to do with my kids.  Today was my first tennis match of the fall season and without going into too many was a disaster.  My partner and I won the match but I have never been treated so horribly by another human being (another woman no less) in my entire life.  The super super short version is one of the women we were playing against went ballistic on the court and cussed me and my partner out, several times, and then called me some names.  I cried for about 30 was horrible.  The delicious beverage above helped take some of the edge off.

But thankfully I had my two favorite sweets with me the rest of the day and that made everything better.  I am just loving my new little boy.  That sounds horrible...of course I have always loved my little boy, but he has just been such a dream since his surgery.  He is a totally different kid.  I guess he is just feeling so good and it's making him just so happy.  Tomorrow will be the true test.  Fridays are the days we usually have issues at school because it is the day he is the most tired.  So I am hoping since it has been just over a week since his surgery, he will sleep well tonight and have a great day at school.  I may even attempt a cartwheel if we get a star on our school behavior chart tomorrow.  What a blessing that would be! (the star, not the cartwheel...I'll probably pull a muscle)

Tomorrow, MeMe and Big Daddy roll into town for a weekend with the kiddos.  D and I are heading to Richmond for a quick get away.  We will be going to the NY Giants game on Sunday with my cousins and uncle.  The Giants are playing the Redskins in Washington DC.  It is also the 10th anniversary of 9/11 so it should be pretty amazing since New York and Washington are playing against each other.  I am going to miss my babies so much but am looking for a weekend with my man.

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