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Thursday, September 1, 2011

mama, it's still dark outside

You never know what you are going to get when you wake The Mayor. Luckily, this morning when we woke him up at 5:30 AM he was super sweet. He was also confused. He stretched, said good morning to me and D and then looked over my shoulder over the catwalk at the windows in the family room and said "mama, it's still dark outside". Yes baby, it's still dark outside.

We got to the surgery center at 6:30 and everything went pretty quickly.  Which was a really good thing because as expected, The Mayor screamed and cried through every single step of this process.  He didn't like having his heart listened to, he didn't like having the little band-aid light on this finger to measure his pulse ox, he didn't like the nurse being in the room talking to him...he didn't like anything.  Thank goodness they weren't putting the IV in until he was sedated.

The nurses were all saints and told me several times this was age appropriate and happens everyday.  That made me feel a little bit better.  I was able to go into the OR room with The Mayor and hold his hand while they put him under.  I fought back my tears until he was broke my heart.  He was crying and moaning in his sleep because he had been fighting the mask.  I kissed him several times and left the OR.

Once I got into the waiting room with D I just broke down.  I was thankful this procedure was going to be a fast one.  D and I both kept ourselves preoccupied by surfing the net or playing games on our phone and before we knew it, the surgeon walked into the room.  She told us the surgery went very well and that his adenoid tissue was quite large.  So hopefully we will see some serious improvements with our little man.

Once he woke up and was moved to the post-op rooms, we were able to go back there to see him.  And the drama started up again.  The nurse who came to get us told us The Mayor was fighting everything.  He was seriously confused and kept trying to pull his IV out.  When D and I got back into his room, we kept telling him how proud of him we were and that everything was ok.  But he was not going to calm down until that IV was out of his hand.  Thankfully, they took it out about 5 minutes later.

Then all was good.  He ate 3 popsicles and drank almost an entire container of apple juice.  His sweet little voice was raspy from the breathing tube and he was pretty pale.

We were home before 10AM and his sister was waiting for us.  Love Bug was able to miss all of the fun when our dear friend Sue agreed to come over at 5:30 this morning to watch our girl so we could focus on our boy.

The Mayor has to take it easy for about a week.  Which, judging by today, is going to be tough.  You would never know our child had surgery this morning.  He would have bursts of energy and just want to run around the house.  We kept reminding him he had to rest and take it easy.  He finally got it and enjoyed vegging on the couch, watching Mickey Mouse clubhouse on my old iPhone, and eating sorbet, ice cream and popsicles all day long.

It was a long day.  So happy it is over and my boy is ok.  Early bedtimes for all of us tonight.

he was "playing" mindsweeper on my phone, he cracked up every time a bomb went off

getting ready to go into the OR

after...enjoying popsicle 1 of 3 and his juice 
(I wish I had pictures of him actually recovering but it was an "all-hands-on-deck situation" 
to keep the IV in)

on our way to the car...he was given a sticker by the nurse and he put it on Mickey's hand.  
You know, because Mickey had a rough day

pretty much what our afternoon looked like

I missed this face

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