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Saturday, August 3, 2013

kindergarten roundup

It.  Is.  Happening.  And there is absolutely nothing I can do to stop it.  Today was kindergarten roundup.  I am equal parts excited and dreading this moment in time.  Well, if I am truly honest I am more dreading than excited...but I will get there.  Maybe?  Eventually?  Yeah, I mean I have to get there...otherwise I will have the largest ulcer in the history of the world.

The Mayor and I headed to the bus stop at 9am for the ride to school and I was a little worried.  He didn't wake up in the greatest mood and was quiet and ornery the entire ride to school and then ignored all the teachers greeting him as we walked in.  I pulled him aside and told him this attitude wasn't acceptable and regardless if he was tired he couldn't be rude.  Once we checked in and he saw some friends from his PreK class, he started to cheer up a bit.  It helped a lot that they separated the kids from the parents after the principal did her introduction so I think he liked being on his own and seeing the school.  The kids went to the cafeteria, a classroom and to the outside DIGS area (a huge garden at the school) while the parents learned about the PTA, purchased spirit wear, talked to teachers and administration.  At 11:00, we picked our kids up in the cafeteria and headed back to the bus to go home. By the time we were on our way home, The Mayor was completely back to his old self.

at the bus stop

on the bus

he looks so old here!

Aunt Nat, Uncle Tom, Trey and Luke are here!  I took The Mayor to Six Flags yesterday with them and he had the best time.  D worked from home and watched Love Bug (she is just too little and short for Six Flags).  As it was, The Mayor just hit the 48 inch mark and was able to ride a good amount of rides, but he was still too short to ride many.  Six Flags really is designed for older kids...but regardless, he had the best time.  And my boy is quite the thrill seeker.  Nothing and I mean nothing scares him.  He rode on everything, screamed with pure joy and then asked us all if that wasn't the best ride ever.  It was adorable and I was so happy I got to spend the day with just my boy.  We got to the park when it opened and stayed until it closed.  He passed out on the way home; I tried to keep him up by letting him pick the movie to watch in the car, but I don't think he made it 15 minutes before he fell to sleep.  We got home after 9:30 so that explains why he was so tired today.  But it was worth it.

eating lunch at Six Flags

Since it's been awhile since I have blogged, I need to recap the past couple of weeks.  First off, a friend of ours took Love Bug for a night one night and D and I had special time with The Mayor.  He chose dinner at Five Guys and then we went to the park so he could ride his bike.  It was a great night hanging with our oldest.

my sweet boy

my two favorite guys ever

riding with D running

A couple of days later I took The Mayor and Love Bug to the zoo with Meega, Bennett and Walker.  The kids had a great time even though it was ridiculously hot and my kids took turns being upset about something.  But the animals kept them entertained.

my cute little lions

Walker Bear

sweetness...they held hands while walking for the longest time

love these munchkins

This past Sunday, Mamie and PopPop kept the kids for the night and The Mayor and Love Bug were so excited.  They asked every 10 minutes if it was time to go to Mamie and PopPop's house.  We dropped them off and they literally couldn't wait for D and I to leave...apparently we were cramping their style.  D and I had a party to go to that afternoon and then I had a baby shower at the house that evening.  It was a crazy day but a good one.

Tomorrow we will spend the day with Aunt Nat, Uncle Tom, Trey and Luke.  Love Bug especially will be thrilled.  Her new best friend is Uncle Tom.  She has not left his side all day; she has made him play hide-n-seek, made him sit right next to her at dinner and even requested his help for getting dressed, going to the bathroom and putting her to bed.  It is really sweet seeing her become so attached to Uncle Tom.  Looking forward to our last weekend before school starts and spending it with family.

i love this girl so much

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