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Thursday, May 20, 2010

end of an era

It is a sad day for me. Today, The Mayor's crib was converted to his big boy toddler bed. My baby is no longer a baby, he is a full-fledged toddler. The last piece of his infancy is now a toddler bed. We had made the decision to convert his crib over the summer, but after The Mayor decided to climb out of his crib 4 times this week (and 3 times today during nap time) we bumped up that timeframe to today.

Thankfully, Love Bug is now sleeping about 13 hours at night. I would have for sure been in tears if I was still having to get up with her. I think I am programmed to only handle one child per night during an interrupted night's sleep.

After a late dinner and some playing at a playground, The Mayor has been bathed and read to. Lots of hugs and kisses and talking up the "big boy bed" and how he has to stay in the big boy bed took us to 9:00. As soon as we put him in bed he started to cry. I think he was nervous, the safety of the 4 walls of the crib is no longer there. We told him it was ok and that this was still the same bed, he said "ok" through some tears, we kissed him again and said I love you before closing the door. He immediately started crying again and we let him for about 5 minutes. I took the first round and walked in. I was happy to see he was still laying in bed. He asked to be rocked (which is something he frequently did if he got upset when he slept in the crib) so I picked him up, cuddled him and rocked him for about 5 minutes. Then he said he was ready for "night-night". I put him back in the bed and so far so good. It is 9:29 and it is quiet and he is still in bed.

D and I took a bet. I guessed The Mayor would be up 5 times tonight and D guess 10. We will see who is right in the morning.

my Love Bug...just want to nibble on that sweet double chin

*the picture of The Mayor was taken immediately after I showed him his "new" bed. He hopped up there and said "ta-da!" as if the crib miraculously disappeared. I love that boy.

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