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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

just another day in paradise

I am really starting to feel like a broken record, but I am really so happy to be able to be at home with my babies. Most days would be considered boring to anyone but the momma of these two sweets; we are just hanging around the house playing in the playroom or outside enjoying the sun, running errands, going out to lunch, going on walks or having play dates. But these are the moments I am going to cherish until the day I take my last breath on this Earth, I was put on this Earth to be the mother of these two precious children. Ever since I was a teenager I knew I wanted to be a stay-at-home mother. When I was in high school, I started praying for my future husband and that the Lord would bless us with a healthy and happy marriage and a way to allow me to be able to stay at home with our children. Almost 20 years later, I am living my dream, my prayers have been answered. I am living in my own personal paradise.

she got this lower lip pout from me...I used it on my father and Love Bug will use it on me. And it will get her whatever she wants...

sweet sleeping baby

running into the sprinkler mist

soaked but having fun

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