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Sunday, May 9, 2010


I have been called a lot of things and had many job titles over the course of my 33 years of life, but none have been more important or rewarding as my current title: mom. It comes with no monetary compensation and it is a lifetime commitment but it is definitely worth it.

As fun as it would have been to have spent my afternoon at a spa, today is no different from any other day we have, Love Bug is in the midst of her "witching hour", The Mayor still wants to play with his trains, but it is a reminder to me on how important my job is. And although today is just a normal day for my children, it is an extra special Mother's Day because it was my first Mother's Day with my baby girl, my first Mother's Day with 2 children and we had Love Bug dedicated at church.

Twenty years ago on this holiday, I spent my last Mother's Day with my own mother. Had I known that would have been my last with her, I would have done more. I would have kissed her one more time, told her I loved her one more time, told her how much I appreciated her one more time. But I didn't; I don't even remember that day with her. Of course at that age I had no idea what the concept of "don't take life for granted" meant. But at my current age, I absolutely get it. So on today, and I pray every other day of my life, I hope to not take life for granted and take the time to celebrate my children, my husband, my family. To treat everyday like it is Mother's Day, Father's Day, Valentine's Day....

Happy Mother's Day to all mothers, soon-to-be mothers and those women who want to be mothers one day. You are going to love this job.

me and my girl

on stage at Love Bug's dedication

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